26.EFF puts the spotlight on Ukraine!
The attack on freedom and on the right to choose your own destiny, some of the main principles of the European Union, has generated widespread solidarity, but it has made us all pay more attention to what is going on around us, and above all, it determined us to remain united and to defend our democracy and our common values.
In this context, which shows us that we are not safe from threats, terrible challenges, and lack of perspective, 26.EFF takes the pulse of Europe with a selection of films portraying a mirror of the realities of the continent. The festival opens a dialogue platform with special relevance to the current situation. Liviu Jicman, the president of ICR.
We resumed the tradition of having an ambassador of the festival. This year, the role belongs to the director Monica Stan, present in the 26.FFE program with Immaculate, winner of 3 important awards at the Venice Film Festival, last year. In the festival spot, you will recognize Ada Condeescu, Irina Margareta Nistor, Anca Dinicu and Tudor Giurgiu. The camera is signed by Andrei Oana, the sound and editing by Delia Oniga, producer - Iulia Weiss.
26. EFF presents a selection of over 30 European films, curated by Cătălin Olaru, the artistic director of this edition, as well as live discussions with filmmakers and film critics and a round table on the subject of financing of international productions.
This year, at the European Film Festival, we are rediscovering and supporting together a Ukraine that is more European than ever before. How else but through a section dedicated to Ukrainian cinema - Focus Ukraine.
The European Film Festival is organized by the Romanian Cultural Institute, with the support of the European Commission's Representation in Romania and EUNIC Romania, in partnership with European cultural embassies, centers, and institutes.