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Iasi - Casa de CulturAƒ `Mihai Ursachi`

The Other Side of Hope (Finland)
12-05-2017 19.30
24 weeks (Germany)
13-05-2017 15.00
Mercenary (France)
13-05-2017 17.00
Afterimage (Poland)
13-05-2017 19.00
The Last Day (Romania)
13-05-2017 20.45
Austerlitz (Germany)
14-05-2017 15.00
Kills on Wheels (Hungary)
14-05-2017 17.00
Together For Ever (Lithuania)
14-05-2017 19.00
The Happiest day in the life of Olli Mäki (Finlanda)
14-05-2017 20.45
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